Liverpool, Lancashire
Applications are invited for the above post based at The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust, we have one post available. Depending on the circumstances of the candidate we may be in a position to offer a contract from 12 months to 2 years depending on the successful candidates requirement. Posts will be available from 7th August 2024 initially for 12 months.
The successful candidate will be working as a Neurosurgery Registrar across the Neurosurgery service. Sub specialty Neurosurgery practice is provided in Oncology, Skull base, Functional, Vascular, Spinal, Hydrocephalus and Trauma. There will be the opportunity to experience sub specialty surgery and be a member of the team on a busy Neurosurgery on-call rota.
This post is not recognised for training purposes. However, offers excellent experience in Neurosurgery in this Specialist Neurosciences Centre.
For further information please contact either Mr Ajay Sinha, Training Programme Director and Consultant Neurosurgeon on email address or Mr Emmanuel Chavredakis, Clinical Director/Consultant Neurosurgeon at
Main duties of the job The post holder will be working as a Neurosurgery Registrar across the Neurosurgery service. The sub specialty Neurosurgery practice is provided in Oncology, Skull base, Functional, Vascular, Spinal, Hydrocephalus and Trauma. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to experience all aspects of sub specialty surgery and will be a member of the team on a busy Neurosurgery on-call rota.
On Call
The postholder will take part in registrar on call for adult (WCFT) neurosurgery. On call for the Walton Centre is a resident shift based system. On call is compliant with both EWTD and BMA guidelines on junior doctors hours of work. At present there is a two tier on call for the most junior registrar with a second senior registrar available.
Educational Approval
The 10 Specialist Registrar posts in neurosurgery have been approved for Higher Surgical Training in Neurological Surgery by the Specialist Advisory Committee in Neurological Surgery and Joint Committee on Higher Surgical Training of the Royal College of Surgeons.
About us The Walton CentreNHS Foundation Trust is the only NHS trust to hold dual accreditation for theInvestors in People we invest in people and we invest in wellbeingstandards and has been awarded Gold status for both. TheWalton Centre is a leader in the treatment and care of neurology andneurosurgery, placing the patient and their family at the heart of everythingwe do. As the only specialist hospital trust in the UK dedicated to providingcomprehensive neurology, neurosurgery, spinal and pain management services weare proud to be rated as an Outstanding Trust by the Care Quality Commission(CQC), and champion change throughout the field of neuroscience. Originallyformed in 1992, the Trust received Foundation Trust status in 2009.
Witharound 1,450 staff, The Walton Centre treats more than 127,000 outpatients and18,000 inpatients each year. We have leading specialists and incrediblydedicated staff delivering excellent clinical outcomes for brain, spinal andneurological care nationally and internationally. Teams across our site inFazakerley, Liverpool, offer a world-class service in diagnosing and treatinginjuries and illnesses affecting the brain, spine and peripheral nerves andmuscles, and in supporting people suffering from a wide range of long-termneurological conditions.
Liverpool is a dynamic city.It has experienced a major revival over the past few years and Merseysidersenjoy a superb quality of life. It is unusually compact and a journey to thecentre rarely takes more than 30 minutes.
The county abounds with finearchitecture, lively cultural pursuits and outstanding sport. Tourism hasbecome a major industry and 20 million people visited the city last year,attracted by both the areas natural and man made assets.
Merseyside’s theatres,museums and art collections are now amongst its strongest assets. The city isalive with independent theatre groups, authors, poets and dance groups.Photography, sculpture, street art and video makers abound. The Walker ArtGallery contains a collection of equal to any in the provinces and the TateGallery opened in 1988 on Liverpool’s waterfront in the refurbished AlbertDock.
The Philharmonic Orchestra isnationally acclaimed and there is a full range of musical activities of alltypes.
There are both Anglican andRoman Catholic Cathedrals and facilities for worship for every other faith inthe city. There are excellent schools for both sexes, including a variety ofdenominational schools for both in the private and state sector.
The University Medical Schooland the Liverpool Medical Institution are within 20 minutes drive of the WaltonCentre.
Very good housing in pleasantsuburbs near the sea and in rural areas are easily available, the cost of whichis rather less than the national average.
Two airports are within easyreach. Liverpool and Manchester International Airport are within half to threequarters of an hours drive time. There are excellent train services andmotorway links to all parts of the country, with easy access to the nationalparks, North Wales, the Peak District and the Lake District, as well as to bothLancashire and North Wales coasts.
South Sefton is the home ofthe Grand National Racecourse at Aintree and also embraces the Freeport ofLiverpool. There are several excellent nearby golf courses of which three hostthe Open Championship. In 2008 Liverpool will become the European City ofCulture.
The Walton Centre NHSFoundation Trust (WCFT) is an independent specialist neurosciences NHS Trusthospital providing a high quality, integrated and multidisciplinaryneurosciences service to Merseyside,North Wales, the Isle of Man and part of West Lancashire which totals apopulation of 3.2 million The Centre is adjacent to the UniversityHospital Aintree which is a busy District General Hospital Trust located 6miles from the centre of Liverpool.
The Centre is based in a purpose builtbuilding, opened in 1998. The Centre is virtually self contained and has 84neurosurgical beds, 48 Neurological beds (including a day ward and a programmedinvestigation unit), and 4 pain relief beds. Critical care facility comprises an18 bedded dedicated Neuro-Intensive Care Unit and a 4 bedded high dependencyarea.
The centre is organised into three divisions;neurosurgery lies in the directorate of neurosurgery, critical care andanaesthesia and pain services. The other directorates comprise neurology anddiagnostics.
There are almost 4000 neurosurgicaladmissions per annum and 3500 operations of which 450 are pain reliefprocedures. There are four fully staffed neurosurgical operating theatres andone Pain Relief operation theatre. An additional emergency theatre is availablefor a limited number of sessions per week.
Outpatient clinics including specialised onesare held within the Centre; there are further clinics in surrounding hospitalsincluding Chester, Whiston, and Wigan.
In addition to the consultantstaff, there are 10 higher surgical trainees, 7 Clinical Fellows and 7 Juniortrainees (out of a pool of 15).
Consultants currently in postand their special interests are:
Mr N Buxton Spinaland vascular neurosurgery
Miss D Bhargava General and functional neurosurgery
Mr NCarleton-Bland General andcomplex spinal neurosurgery
Mr DCarter Specialist neurosurgeon and Clinical Director
Mr EChavredakis General, neuro-oncologyand vascular
Mr SClark General, complex spinal neurosurgery and SpinalConsultant Lead
Mr J Farah General and functionalneurosurgery
Miss C Gilkes General, skull base neurosurgery
Miss M Lee Locum: General, complex spinalneurosurgery
MissC Morgan Orthopaedic complexspinal surgeon
Mr F Olubajo General, trauma and neuro-oncology
Mr NRath Orthopaedic surgery complex spine
Mr ASinha General, paediatric, pituitaryneurosurgery (Alder Hey)
Mr ZSarsam General and complex spinalneurosurgery
Mr MWilby General and complex spinalneurosurgery
Mr JYousaf General, skull base and vascularneurosurgery
Mr R Zakaria Generaland cranial neurosurgery
Mr PAnnis Orthopaediccomplex spinal surgeon
Mr MDe Matas Orthopaedic complexspinal surgeon
Mr RPopa Orthopaediccomplex spinal surgeon
Mr SThambiraj Orthopaediccomplex spinal surgeon
Neurooncology Research
Thereare links to a number of university laboratories, and a number of ongoingresearch projects. Funding for an NHIRresearch fellow has just been approved. Thereare research programmes into the molecular biology of neurological tumours, therelationship with advanced MR imaging, conformal radiotherapy, and stereotacticsurgery, which provides opportunities for research. The clinical neurosurgeonshold honorary clinical lecturer appointments (one as senior lecturer) and areactive in research in their sub-specialist fields. Within the Walton Centre there is a purposebuilt Clinical Trials Unit, which is fully staffed and will undertake clinicaltrials research under consultant supervision.
The WCNN has a very activeprogramme of postgraduate education with a regular weekly series of clinicalmeetings, lectures, journal clubs and neuropathology. The Centres library issituated in the Clinical Sciences Centre . click apply for full job details